Bitburg was bloody cold but a blast. Was it a succes? NO, but it was fun.
We arrived late fridatnight and unpacked, put up the caravan and the tents. We had a very nice spot with the people van
keversite and
kaag. A beer friday night and an icecold night, saterday was on. My girlfriend didn't recover from the cold friday night so she was shivering al weekend and in a bad mood. That morning we pulled out the tools and changed wheels and engine in under an hour. People over there made us out to be crazy for doing al the work. The engine in, it started right away but the miwture was gesture and therfore not very good. The techinspectors looked at us very angry but since we we're in order we could run the car.
The first run was akward. Didn't do a burnout because I was affraid the vaporiser would freese. The car runs on lpg and when it vaporises the vaporiser gets cold. For that reasen it is water heated by the turbo cooling water with an electric waterpump. The turbo however wasn't very hot so there was a tenddency from freezing up. At the lines I didn't mis my start but the car sagged, a loud bang , while I was just out of first gear the other guy was helfway the quartermile.
The mixtue was way of and the time was horrible,23 or something, worse than the car naturally aspirated. We changed the way the vaporiser faced too stabilise the mixture and went on the road with the race engine for some road tuning. It seemed we could run for a relatively long time before freezing over and we got the mixture about right.
Getting a croud around the car was never a problem however. People we're very curious to how it worked and when we explained there we're a lot of people who told us it would explode if we fired the car up. The faces we're priveless when you turn the key, rev the car and explosions are very absent.
Over the next couple of runs we did better but not super. The turbo we chose was on the big side, to make things worse we had a very long exhaustsystem and it was far from pressuresealed. The result was the turbo just didn't spool up until you realy revved the car. The good thing was though that Robin who pointed out that the turbo was too large also offered to provide us a sutable turbo. We got it now and the build is on for next year.
Was it a good weekend? It was bloody cold and the car was slower than at EBI2 but the general idea about the enginesystem worked. Right now we're finetuning it for next year, keep an eye out.
Great fastback, hope mine will look and ride like thatone oneday.